Where are you located?
Bible Impact’s headquarters and Whispering Winds Bible Camp are located about 30 minutes from St. James, Missouri, just at the northern edge of the beautiful Ozarks. (click here for specific directions) Because of this location, we are able to take advantage of many scenic attractions for our camping programs. Currently, we are involved in reaching out to young people in Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and Arkansas.

How old do I have to be?
Scripture Memory ProgramNo minimum age
Junior Resident Camp 08 – 12
Junior Wilderness Camp10 – 13
Teen Resident Camp 13 – 19
Teen Wilderness Camp 13 – 19
Outdoor Week 16 – 26
Super Saturday 08 – 19
Teen Retreat 13 – 19
Summer Ministries Program (volunteer)
at least 14 years old
Do you offer a partial scholarship for camp?
Bible Impact offers a scholarship for completed scripture memory or correspondence course work. We ask churches to consider assisting their young people who have done some of the work required, but are not completed by camp time.
Can other memory verses be used for camp?
While there are many valuable memorization programs available to young people, we require that those attending camp with a scholarship for their work memorize the verses that we make part of each year’s program.
How can my child earn a scholarship to camp?
Check out our scholarship page, call 1-800-748-7410, or e-mail us for more information.
Do you have a horse program?
While we would like to add this exciting feature in the future, we currently do not have a horse program.
Why do you use two names?
Bible Impact Ministries is the “not for profit” mission organization/board that is responsible for all of the activities both at Whispering Wind Bible Camp and “on the field” (Scripture memory and Club programs, Rallies and Retreats).
Our staff are accepted as missionaries with Bible Impact, our board governs Bible Impact Ministries, and BIM is registered as a Corporation in the State of Kansas (our previous headquarters), and as a foreign corporation both in the states of Missouri (current location) and Illinois (founding headquarters).
In 1994, when we acquired Whispering Winds Bible Camp, because the name had a good reputation and sounded “like a camp”, we simply retained the name for the physical location where we hold our various camping programs.
What denomination are you?
From it’s beginning, Bible Impact Ministries (formerly Rural Bible Crusade National) has been an independent mission organization. By that, we mean that we are denominationally unaffiliated. Our board of directors requires that each board and staff member yearly agree with our own doctrinal statement that is part of our by-laws.
We welcome all young people to participate in our programs. However, since many denominations have their own camps and youth programs, many of the churches and young people that participate in the various ministries of Bible Impact also come from an independent background.
Since we acquired Whispering Winds Bible Camp, we have also joined CHRISTIAN CAMP AND CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION. CCCA provided us with camping information, legal awareness, and publicity. Information regarding camping
What do you do the rest of the year?
We assume that question is referring to the part of the year that is not summer. From Memorial Day to Labor Day we have a growing, busy schedule at Whispering Winds Bible Camp. During the school year, we oversee the “Bible Memory Club” and the “Bible In Me!” Youth Clubs, providing counsel, church visits, and awards and correspondence courses. Our Rally and Retreat ministry keeps our staff busy in preparation and travel. Churches are visited, both in Missions Conferences, and in sharing the ministries available to churches and young people.
Since our staff all raise missionary support, each family spends some time each year visiting supporting churches and individuals and also seek to make new contacts for support. Also, since the typical time for family vacations is the time that we are the busiest, time away from the work is also scheduled.
Since we are constantly expanding the facilities of Whispering Winds Bible Camp, the “off season” is when we make a significant push to accomplish many building projects. Our staff spends many hours in facility and equipment maintenance as well as in actual construction. They also spend a lot of time getting ready for and overseeing work crews who make up a significant part of the work force.
A growing part of our “off season” work is hosting retreat groups at Whispering Winds Bible Camp. Churches and other Christian groups who desire a place away from the routine of day-to-day life can come for a weekend of Bible instruction, group building, and activities.Why does your staff raise support?
From the beginning, we have sought to make our programs available to all. Primarily this is done by keeping the costs as low as possible and providing scholarships for camp through our scripture memory program. By not charging a high price for events and programs, we are also not receiving funds that could otherwise be available to pay staff.
As a mission organization, we seek to provide an opportunity for as many folks as possible to get involved in the ministry. Financial support is one way that is possible. Many of our missionaries’ supporters become volunteers in camp or on construction projects. We believe that by involving many people in the ministry we are also increasing prayer awareness. People tend to pray for where their money goes.
What Are Your Current Project Needs?
Our current projects are many and varied, from splitting firewood, to remodeling the nurses station. There are always many ongoing projects. If you would like to help, we would love to hear from you! You can find more information here!
Long range goals include expanding the dining room and kitchen capacity, so that it will be able to accommodate more people. We are still looking for funds to be able to move forward on this project.
Contact Us
We are happy to hear from you. Please reach out anytime, and we will get back to you when we can.

Whispering Winds Bible Camp
Mailing address:
PO Box 9
Saint James, MO 65559
Physical address:
599 Mound Ridge Road Cook Station, MO 65449
Phone: 573-265-7445
Secondary Office Number: 573-265-3675
Fax: 573-265-5052