Ministry Opportunities
As God continues to bless our ministry with the ability to impact lives, we are constantly searching for men and women of God who are called and willing to become a part of that impact.
The Field Responsibilities of All Our Missionaries
- NEW PASTORAL CONTACTS- The missionary should be looking for pastors with whom he can share our ministry. These may be referrals, a new area under development, names sent from the office, or a new pastor in an area church. The missionary must always be on the lookout for new contacts. Directories, phone books, and referrals are great sources.
The purpose of these meetings should be to acquaint the pastors with all of the opportunities of Bible Impact Ministries. Literature of the various ministries should be available. These contacts should always be done personally and by appointment. The missionary must remember to keep the pastor’s time in mind.
- FOLLOW-UP PASTORAL CONTACTS- It is healthy for the missionary to keep in contact with pastoral acquaintances on a regular basis. However, visits more than once or twice a year waste the pastor’s and the missionary’s time. These meetings could be done prior to an event in the area (rally/retreat) or with the production of a new piece of literature or advertisement (pen, pad, etc.). While these are best done in person, a phone call or e-mail could be used occasionally. A drop-in visit is okay, but an appointment shows respect for the pastor’s time.
- CHURCH MEETING- The missionary should regularly be having meetings in churches for the purpose of sharing the ministry’s burden, the opportunities for involvement and service, and the need for finances. In a way which visits with pastors do not accomplish, this provides a means of keeping people up-to-date with the ministry. A display of current literature and a multi-media presentation should always be used. The missionary must be careful to stay within the allotted time- especially if they want to be invited back!
- PULPIT SUPPLY- This is a great opportunity to keep in touch with churches and with individuals. However, the missionary should remember that the pastor is not there when he is filling the pulpit. A pulpit supply should only be taken when he is certain other service opportunities are not available.
- PERSONAL VISITS- It will be important to visit individuals other than pastors (such as camp staff and mission donors) who have a part in the ministry. These can be accomplished when the missionary is in an area for another purpose.
- PASTORAL FELLOWSHIPS & REGIONAL MEETINGS- These can be great for fellowship, but generally they do not produce great results. The best method is one-on-one. However, constant exposure is vital.
- YOUNG PEOPLE CONTACTED- Another great source of ministry for the missionary is planned personal contact with your people. Many young people have great needs that 1 or 2 contacts a year (camp or rally/retreat) will not meet. Home visits, phone calls, social media (facebook, twitter, skype), or notes will encourage them and let them know that the missionary cares.
- CLUB LEADERS VISITED- These visits are imperative for the encouragement of the club leaders. This is also a good time to find out what is happening in each club. A visit prior to an event (rally/retreat) will provide more results than a letter in the mail or social media (texting, facebook, twitter, etc).
- CLUBS VISITED- The missionary should have a brief program to present in the clubs each year. This is one of the few contacts besides camp and rally/retreat through which he will have a personal ministry with your people. Someone he counseled at camp may be in the club. His presence is vital.
- CLUBS ESTABLISHED- The ultimate goal of the field missionary is the establishment of the “Bible in Me!” Youth Clubs and the Bible Memory Clubs as well as the sale of Youth Club Curriculum. The primary target is the local church. However, individuals in the local neighborhood may have the desire to reach out as well.
- CAMP- The missionary is expected to be involved in the summer camp ministry. Travel, preparation, actual camp ministry, and any follow-up are part of this involvement.
- RALLY/RETREAT- The missionary is to be involved in his area Super Saturday youth rallies and the Teen Retreat. Travel, preparation, ministry at the rally/retreat, and any follow-up are part of this involvement.
- OFFICE WORK- Writing follow-up and confirmation letters (emails), updating records, corresponding with young people, filing, and many other office tasks will make the job go more smoothly. This is a vital part of the Bible Impact ministry.
- OTHER- Occasionally, there will be other ministry opportunities made available by area pastors, Christian School Administrators, etc. These should be handled on a priority basis. The missionary must be certain to keep his primary ministry in mind.
- PERSONAL VISITS FOR SUPPORT- It is imperative that the missionary plans several visits each year for support development. Support is always changing, and new contacts must be added.
- FOLLOW-UP VISITS FOR SUPPORT- Each supporter should have a personal visit at least every 2-3 years (more if possible). They should be told “Thank you” personally.
- CHURCH MEETINGS FOR SUPPORT- It is vital that the missionary be in churches for the purpose of presenting his personal ministry. Churches do occasionally look for new people to support!
- PRAYER LETTERS- Those on the missionary’s mailing list should hear form him at least quarterly via regular mail or email. News about his family, human interest stories, pictures, and personal prayer requests will help maintain interest in him and in his support.
- PHONE CALLS- Occasionally, the missionary should phone donors. They really appreciate it.
- “THANK YOU” NOTES- Regular supporters should have a personal note every two to three months. Each new pledge or special gift should be followed by a note immediately via regular mail or email.
- OTHER- Anything that the missionary can do to secure or to maintain support should be attempted at least once! We are always interested in knowing what works!
More information
REPORTING- Daily summary sheets should be filled out and filed by missionary. This information should be transferred monthly to the Missionary Monthly Field Activity Report, the Individual Contact Record, and the Church Contact/Meeting Record.
NOTES- Mailing list sign-up sheets should be used regularly. After the missionary has made sure the addresses are legible, these should be forwarded to the office with the monthly report.
DRESS- Dress for the missionary will vary according to the situation. A youth rally would be an inappropriate place for a suit and tie; yet, a pastor’s study should be treated with the respect it deserves (a tie is always appropriate).