
Check out this opportunity to earn a discount to Camp while learning more about God’s Word.

Campers, ages 8-19, can earn a full-ride scholarship to Camp by completing this Bible Impact Ministries program.

Image of a girl memorizing Bible verses

Here’s how you can earn a full scholarship…

  • Make sure you register by Dec 15th
  • Complete your work by May 15th
  • Come and enjoy camp at WWBC

First time to earn a scholarship

Registration for a 1st time scholarship is always open. However, to earn a scholarship for NEXT summer, you must register between August 1st and December 15th. Download our Scholarship Program and memorize the list of 200 “Bible Basics” verses, word perfect. Submit the finished paper to us by May 15th.

Returning Scholarship Campers

Register between August 1st and December 15th to earn a scholarship for the next summer. Download our Scholarship Program and choose 1 of our 3 options.
1). Memorize 100 verses (found on page 4 of the printout) to earn a $150 scholarship to camp. These verses must be completed this club/school year.
2). Complete correspondence courses to earn a $175 scholarship to camp. These must be completed this club/school year.
3). Complete options 1 AND 2 to earn a $325 scholarship for camp.

The reason for the scholarship…

Image of a camp speaker preaching to the campers in chapel

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and as such, it is the final authority for our faith. We are told to hide God’s Word in our hearts (Ps. 119:11, Col. 3:16), to seek Him (1 Pet. 3:15) and to meditate on His Word (Ps. 1:2). Bible Impact Ministries wants to encourage people, young and old, to spend time memorizing and studying Scripture. The Scholarship Program is a way to do that while earning a free week of camp!

The funds for this scholarship come entirely through donations from churches and individuals and are raised each year starting with our Labor Day auction. If you would like to be a part of sending a child or teenager to camp, donations can be made online or contact us for more information on how you can be a part of this program.

Contact Us

We are happy to hear from you. Please reach out anytime, and we will get back to you when we can.

Image of camp missionary speaking to the campers

Whispering Winds Bible Camp

Mailing address:
PO Box 9
Saint James, MO 65559
Physical address:
599 Mound Ridge Road Cook Station, MO 65449
Phone: 573-265-7445
Secondary Office Number: 573-265-3675
Fax: 573-265-5052