Outdoor Week

Outdoor Week

Canoe Camp

Not enough adventure at Wilderness Camp?
Try our Outdoor Week!!!

This camp program is designed for outdoor adventure and intense spiritual growth. Expect to be challenged throughout the week both physically and spiritually, so come willing to try new things. Although we start and finish the week on camp grounds, most of our time will be spent off property and outdoors. This year we will learn to "Follow Our Leader" who commanded "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. (Matthew 16:24)"
To accomplish this, we plan to spend 4 days and 3 nights camping out on the Current River. We will be cooking over campfires, camping along the waterfront, and spending the days paddling, swimming and enjoying all that God's beautiful creation has to offer. If you are looking for the easy life of comfort and luxury, with soft beds, hot showers and electricity, this is not the camp experience for you. But, if you love to be surrounded by God's creation in the great outdoors, hurry and register because space is limited.

Ages: 15- 19   

Cost: $299   

Scholarship Program Details


July 27 – August 1, 2020

*Registration is 2 – 4pm on Monday.

*Departure is BY 10am on Saturday.

What to Bring 

Dress Standard


Follow Our Leader


Matthew 16: 1-28, Philippians 2:1-13 – Each camper will need their own Bible in one of these approved versions for Bible memory time.  Feel free to work ahead. Verses may be memorized in KJV, NKJV, NASB, NIV, ESV.

Additional Information:

Camper Contact  

Campers will not have access to the phone or computers.

**NOTICE: please do not email campers participating in outdoor week**

Due to the nature of this program, campers will not be able to receive mail.

If there is an emergency you can email or call the camp and we will be able to contact your child.

Lost and Found
-Lost and found items will be kept for 2 weeks. 
-Requested items will be shipped at your cost.
-Please contact us by phone (573) 265-7445 or email: info@bibleimpact.org

Register For Summer Camp

Contact Us

Either call us at 1.800.748.7410 or email us with the form below!

Whispering Winds Bible Camp

PO Box 9
Saint James, MO 65559
Voice: 573-265-7445
FAX: 573-265-5052